Our vision of decarbonation
Thanks to our know-how and our range of expertise, we are able to support you over the long term within your decarbonization policy. Our ambition is to become the trusted partner for the implementation of decarbonized solutions. With a logic of energy performance, we co-construct together the tailor-made solutions best suited to your issues.

What is decarbonation?
Facing complexity with optimism and pragmatism
Equans is a team of passionate and experienced technicians. With our technical expertise, we believe that solving the great challenges of our time is possible. We believe in it. But we remain pragmatic and want to do things in the right order to achieve energy balance in a well thought-out manner.
For us, the low-carbon ideal does not mean constraint and deprivation. On the contrary, it can be reconciled with a reasoned mode of growth based on an unprecedented collective adventure. Thanks to our know-how acquired in the field, we know how to identify the first concrete solutions to be implemented in order to draw the contours of this new era with optimism.
Propose reliable and resilient technical solutions to meet the climate challenge
Today, the climate challenge is embodied in the momentum around decarbonization, but let's not just focus on words. Tomorrow, new concerns will emerge and we will have to know how to deal with them without ideology. We believe that the real business of the century will be to align ourselves together against this peril, and to accompany the transitions over the long term.
At Equans, we act locally to make our clients and partners more resilient. We federate a network of climate-aware companies that pull together. We are guided by one certainty: together, we can meet this challenge!
Industrialize custom-made products
As such, being an industrial player confronted with the same issues as our customers is a strength. It obliges us and commits us. It is thanks to this particular position that we can understand the challenges of each of our partners and provide relevant solutions.
Because the production of low-carbon energy would be futile without a tailor-made installation, our technicians are there to optimize each production process, each urban plan, each alternative mobility solution developed by companies throughout the territory. From the electrification of train lines to the installation of ventilation systems in hospitals, we act discreetly but consistently on all the infrastructures that make up the daily life of occupants.
At Equans, we act locally to make our clients and partners more resilient. We federate a network of climate-conscious companies that pull each other up. We are guided by one certainty: together, we can meet this challenge!
Cultivate initiative and test solutions in the field
We have confidence in our teams and encourage initiative at all levels of our organization. This is how we maintain the know-how of our technicians in the field, close to our customers and their concerns.
Thanks to these achievements, we can now offer several solutions that respect the economic and technical constraints of each company. These solutions are constantly tested and improved thanks to the local expertise of our network of 400 agencies and work centers throughout France. Each of our diagnoses is accompanied by a financing solution allowing a realistic implementation of the project.
Helping future generations shape their future
We want to leave future generations a world that is habitable, open and optimistic. We want to pass on to them a horizon towards which they can project themselves to meet the challenges of humanity with seriousness, audacity and panache. We put all our know-how at the service of achieving this objective. Our clients and industrial partners, within communities or in the tertiary sector, testify to this. Our tailor-made approach has already borne fruit, and we have reduced the energy bill by 20 to 30% on certain industrial sites.
To all the industries and entrepreneurs who bring our territories to life as close as possible to the people: we offer solutions to implement your energy transition efficiently and sustainably. Together, let's lay the foundation stone for a low-carbon world.