Process fluids and gases: what are the implications?
The process fluid is a product essential in many industries. But what is it used for? And what can Equans France do for your company in terms of process fluids? Let’s take a look at some key information.

What is the process fluid?
The process fluid is an essential product used with a view to optimising the industrial process. Water, steam, oil, compressed air, gaseous discharges... a process fluid can take many forms depending on the business sector and the machines concerned. From the food industry, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals to the chemicals industry, the process fluid turns up in a wide variety of industries.
The fluids are often particularly aggressive, which is why a dedicated network has to be constructed. This also means that certain components have to be chosen carefully. They can be single or double envelope, with higher or lower interior and exterior quality, like the thimbles, which must be made from resistant materials.
Equans France, a partner for your projects
- Equans France lends its expertiseto companies for various types of process fluids and utilities of a certain purity, such as
- Inert, explosive, flammable and toxic gases (nitrogen, argon, helium, CO2, etc.)
- Ultra-pure water
- Acids
- Bases and solvents, used most commonly in the semi-conductor
- Thermal fluids like steam, water (hot and cold water, chilled water, superheated water)
- Liquid discharges, gaseous discharges, vacuum or even compressed air
- Our teams design solutionsthat meet process needs in a wide variety of fields:
- The manufacture of food or pharmaceutical products, but also in relation to microelectronics or biotechnologies
- To supply processes, and to cool or heat them
- Collection and processing of liquid and gaseous effluents
- In terms of customersEquans France has provided support to ST MICROELECTRONICS (Crolles) for distribution of the process gases that supply its production equipment. The work of Equans France experts covered the following aspects:
- Orbital welds
- Sealing
- Gas line assembly