Cooling for logistics
For a logistics warehouse that handles chilled or frozen products on a daily basis, there are many essential challenges.
With the Axima Réfrigération France offer from EQUANS, we guarantee continuity of service.
We ensure perpetuation of your business, optimise your performance, guarantee the overall safety of people, and of your equipment and products, and we coordinate and measure the efficiency of your systems and the energy expended to optimise your logistics costs.
Our commitments
- Green refrigerantsTo help you reduce your environmental impact, we design projects in a sustainable fashion and favour the use of low carbon fluids (ammonia, CO2, HFO, etc.).
- Heat recoveryThe heat released by the cooling that preserves your chilled and frozen products is recovered. It can then be used to heat your premises, but also to wash your trucks and supply other stations in a circular economy approach.
- Remote monitoring and reportingSensors throughout your logistics sites allow you to monitor facilities and consumption in real time in order to meet performance and security challenges.
“ What really stands out about the Axima Réfrigération France offer is how it adapts to the needs of STEF’s teams. Support is provided by true professionals, whether for commissioning, adjustment or maintenance, or when it comes to responsiveness to call-outs. We’re really pleased with all of the reports, with their easy-to-access explanations and optimisation advice. ”
Some of our projects
New 30,000 m³ warehouse with sub-zero chamber (-22 °C).
Two independent transcritical CO2 plants, 175 kW sub-zero and 31 kW above-zero, each with regulation and dual valves.
Thermofin negative evaporator with 80 m airflow.
Three Munters dehumidifiers (2 sub-zero and 1 above-zero).
Environmental efficiency: CO2 fluid
Recovery of 50 kW of heat for defrosting the evaporators and heating the slab
O'Logistique (91)
4 MW of NH3/CO2 cascade refrigeration for MONOPRIX e-commerce.
36,000 m² automated warehouse, of which 18,000 m² above-zero and sub-zero cooling, robotised mezzanine design, guaranteed homogeneity of airflow and temperature for the 50,000 products.
Natural refrigerants: CO2 and NH3
Ammonia load below 1,500 kg
Reliability of cold production
New 3.5 MW logistics base with NH3/CO2 cascade refrigeration and spray chillers.
Pumped CO2 distribution and warm MEG defrosting
Three 72,000 m³ units with 9 evaporators per unit
Natural refrigerants: NH3 and CO2
Energy savings
600 kW of heat recovered
Supervision, touch screen and tablet
A team of refrigeration engineers near to your logistics site
Our teams of refrigeration engineers, based in over 80 branches, provide a local service throughout the country. They take care of the commissioning, maintenance and repair of your installations to guarantee optimum service life and operation. A 24/7 helpdesk contributes to the continuous improvement of your facilities.
“ The company has invested in a total overhaul of its facilities. We had two objectives: comply with the new environmental standards with as little carbon impact as possible, and manage the sanitary security of our goods. The Axima Réfrigération France offer is effective and innovative. Based on an indicator of electricity consumption to the nearest kWh/m³, we have seen a significant 50% drop, a great result given the 30% increase in the warehouse’s volume. It is very reassuring to work with a major group that is also a regional player. ”